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To improve the quality of lives of people and organizations through Training and Therapeutic Programs.

Energy Healing

Everything is Energy. Our thought is energy. Our Heart and Mind create energy. Heart’s energy is 70 TIMES more Powerful than Brain’s Energy.

Dr. Imtiaz Mehmud

Certified Hypnotherapist, Silva Method Practitioner, Acupressurist, Health Palmist, Numerologist, Astrologer, Counselor, Spiritual Healer and Consultant.

We Can Help You With!

Fears & Phobia

Stress Management


Fears & Phobia


Sleep Issues

Low Self Esteem

Children Issue

Study Problems

Memory Issues

Lack of Motivation

Negative Blocks

Past Issues

Business Problems

Weight Management


Anger Management


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Theme of Life :

Energy changes its forms and can neither be created nor destroyed. The definition of health is balance of energy. Nature teaches us the lesson of keeping balance.

Thought is energy too. So it is important what and how we think.
Self-awareness is the basis of change and improvement. We can only strive for change and balance if we are aware of our thoughts.

Corporate Trainings

I have been struggling with anxiety for as long as I can remember. It would show up in different ways, but it was always present. I would worry excessively about everything, and I would often have panic attacks. My anxiety made it difficult for me to function in my daily life. I was afraid to go to school, work, or even socialize with friends.

I finally decided to seek help for my anxiety when I started to experience it in my physical health. I was having trouble sleeping, my heart was racing all the time, and I was constantly on edge. I was worried that my anxiety was going to take a toll on my long-term health.

I was referred to Dr. Imtiaz for anxiety therapy, and he was a godsend. He is a compassionate and understanding therapist who really took the time to understand my unique situation. He helped me to identify the root of my anxiety and to develop coping mechanisms for dealing with it.

One of the things I appreciated most about Dr. Imtiaz’s approach is that he focused on teaching me skills that I could use to manage my anxiety on my own. He didn’t just tell me what to do; he helped me to understand why I was feeling anxious and how to change my thought patterns and behaviors.

Over time, I have made significant progress in managing my anxiety. I am still working on it, but I am able to live a full and happy life now. I am so grateful for the help and support that Dr. Imtiaz has provided me. He is an excellent therapist, and I highly recommend him to anyone struggling with anxiety.

Maryam Tiwana

Medical Student

I have always been afraid of failure. I grew up in a family where high expectations were set, and I was always afraid of disappointing my parents and teachers. As a result, I developed a deep-seated fear of failure that held me back in many areas of my life.

I was hesitant to try Fear of Failure therapy at first, but I’m so glad I did. Dr. Imtiaz helped me to understand the root of my fear and to develop coping mechanisms for dealing with it. I learned that failure is not the end of the world, but rather an opportunity for growth and learning. I also learned to be more forgiving of myself and to focus on my own progress, rather than comparing myself to others.

Fear of Failure therapy has been a game-changer for me. I am now more confident and willing to take risks. I am also better able to handle setbacks and disappointments. I am so grateful for the help I received from my therapist, and I highly recommend Fear of Failure therapy to anyone who is struggling with this issue.

Sumera Shaheen

Brand Manager

Reiki healing has been a transformative experience for me. I was initially skeptical, but after just a few sessions, I felt a noticeable difference in my overall well-being. I felt more relaxed, centered, and grounded. My physical health also improved, with chronic aches and pains subsiding.

I have found Reiki to be especially helpful in managing stress and anxiety. During a session, I feel a deep sense of peace and calm wash over me. I am able to let go of worries and negative thoughts, and simply focus on the present moment. This has been invaluable in helping me to cope with challenging life events.

In addition to its stress-relieving benefits, Reiki has also helped me to heal from emotional wounds. I have experienced a greater sense of self-awareness and self-love. I am also more forgiving of myself and others.

I am grateful for the many benefits that Reiki has brought into my life. It is a gentle and effective healing modality that I highly recommend.

Here is a more specific testimonial from a client of mine:

“I came to Reiki feeling exhausted, stressed, and overwhelmed. After just one session, I felt a significant difference. I felt more relaxed, centered, and energized. I have continued to receive Reiki treatments on a regular basis, and I have experienced many positive changes. My sleep has improved, my chronic pain has decreased, and I am better able to manage stress and anxiety. I am also more confident and resilient. I am so grateful for the healing benefits of Reiki.

If you are looking for a way to improve your overall well-being, I encourage you to give Reiki a try. It is a safe and effective healing modality that can benefit people of all ages and backgrounds.

Ahmad Hussain


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