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We as human beings naturally seek direction in life. Vision is what makes the difference in what one can or cannot achieve. Again balance is the key word when we are progressing in pursuit of our vision.

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  1. We value the freedom of human thought within ethical and religious boundaries
  2. We value health very high among values; may it be emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual health.
  3. We value cooperation rather than competition.
  4. We value the internal resource of individuals to help them perform at their peak at any point in time.
  5. Learning is a continuous process. We value continued research and development.
  6. We believe in the Law of Giving and value rapid spread of knowledge for the benefit of humanity.
  7. We value honesty, integrity and forthrightness.
  8. We value the need of our customers and look forward to flourishing long term relationships

Theme of Life

Energy changes its forms and can neither be created nor destroyed. The definition of health is balance of energy. Nature teaches us the lesson of keeping balance. Thought is energy too. So it is important what and how we think.
Self-awareness is the basis of change and improvement. We can only strive for change and balance if we are aware of our thoughts.
We as human beings naturally seek direction in life. Vision is what makes the difference in what one can or cannot achieve. Again balance is the key word when we are progressing in pursuit of our vision.
So the whole theme boils down to these words:

• Positive Change
• Vision
• Balance

Integrating these words: “Accept change as the only constant and permanent thing. Instead of resisting change, seek change and be proactive. Develop vision of where you want to go; for you will be what your vision will be. Keep balance at emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels while you pursue your vision”.

One Minute Wonder (OMW)

One Minute Wonder (OMW) is a result-oriented energy healing system, which can be used as a master tool for bringing personal empowerment and change in yourself and others. OMW works by tapping specially selected points on the meridians in the body. Tapping generates positive energy and this minimizes or eliminates the issue(s).

The effectiveness and brilliance of OMW is in its simplicity and versatility. Just as you can create any picture with a brush and paints, OMW can be used for anything—the options are limitless. OMW can benefit anyone from an unborn child to the terminally ill, and can even be helpful for animals, plants, and objects. Distant healing is effective, too.
OMW empowers us to take charge of our lives, and live in peace, fulfillment, and health.

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